Completeness of ASM Refinement and IO automata refinement

This page documents the KIV specifications of the completeness proof for ASM refinement and for IO automata as described in G. Schellhorn: Completeness of ASM Refinement, ENTCS 2008. The specifications and proofs for ASMs are organized in two layers. The first layer gives a completeness proof for arbitrary transition systems. This layer is purely algebraic. The second layer specializes the systems to be ASMs, where transitions are given by ASM rules. Such rules may fail, which is expressed using a bottom element algebraically and as non-termination in wp-calculus and Dynamic Logic (using ASM rules as programs). The following three sections describe the two layers for ASMs and the completeness proof for IO automata.

To get an overview over the structure of the specifications of the first layer you can have a look at the development graph of the first layer. We describe the important specifications bottom-up:

The structure of the specifications of the second layer is also visualized by a development graph, and again we describe the important specifications:

Specifications for IO automata also form a development graph. The content of the theories is:
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