A Specification of Syntax and Semantics of RGITL in Higher-Order Logic

This page describes a higher-order specification of the logic Rely-Guarantee Interval Temporal Logic (RGITL) that is implemented in KIV. Note that this is *not* the logic used in KIV to verify theorems of temporal logic, it just serves to validate the basic rules and axioms implemented. The specification of syntax and semantics is nearly complete, almost all basic axioms and rules have been verified.

Syntax and semantics of the logic are documented in [TIME11]. More details are given in our journal article [AMAI14] (draft available here).

As a general convention, all the definitions of syntax and semantics of the specifications use leading underscores, to differentiate them from the implemented logic.

The overview over the specification structure shows, that it is quite big, and contains lots of definitions. In general, the specification is a deep embedding, i.e. syntax and semantics are specified separately.

The following is a bottom-up explanation. If you are just interested in the toplevel theorems, the rules for symbolic execution are proved here (for the chop operator) and here (for interleaving). The three fairness rules of [AMAI14] are proved here, here and here. The proof of monontonicity of procedure declarations is here, together with a proof of the unfolding axiom.

If you are interested in applications of RGITL, then browse to the following sites: the derivation of Theorem 6 from the paper (RG Reasoning), and the derivation of Theorem 7 (decomposition of lock-freedom) can be found on this page. For details on applications of RGITL on concrete algorithms refer this page.

Basic definitions of the Syntax

Basic definitions of the Semantics (Algebras)


intervals (KIV-type I) are the basic datastructure used to define the semantics of RGITL. The specification is quite complex, and defines lots of operators.

Interleaving of Intervals



Renaming, Substitutions and Symbolic Execution


Procedure Declarations



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[TIME11] Interleaved Programs and Rely-Guarantee Reasoning with ITL G. Schellhorn, B. Tofan, G. Ernst, W. Reif TIME 2011, Lübeck, IEEE, CPS, pp. 99--106
[AMAI14] A Temporal Logic Framework for Compositional Reasoning about Interleaved Programs G. Schellhorn, B. Tofan, G. Ernst, J. Pfähler, W. Reif (accepted, draft available here).
[FAC11] Proving Linearizability with Temporal Logic S. Bäumler, G. Schellhorn, B. Tofan, W. Reif Formal Aspects of Computing 2011, vol. 23, p. 91-112, no. 1, Springer

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